
Sunday, 25 May 2014

5 Happy Things!

Often, with people experiencing anxiety, it is hard to have GOOD Days. Your head can be so full of anxious thoughts and your belly may be so full of knots that the day is just full of worry. You want to be happy, you want to switch off, you want to stop feeling this way- of course you do! but sometimes you just can't.

I want to encourage you, amongst any anxiety you may be feeling, to write down (maybe in my comments) 5 happy things! This could be: things you've done this week; things you like; your favourite band; your favourite book; your favourite food; anything that makes you happy! If you're struggling to think of anything then perhaps you need to make a list of 5 happy things to do.

Here are my 5 happy things:

1) Sunshine
Last weekend the sun made an appearance and it made me want to stay outside all day. I eat outside, I did yoga outside and I even did some written work outside.

2) Yoga and ice cream
I am not a very...hmm what shall I say? person. I love walking but other exercise does not appeal to me. However, after reading a lot about yoga recently, I wanted to try it and I thought it was perfect weather to do it outside. So I downloaded an app called Simply Yoga and I was about 5 minutes in when I heard the music of an ice cream van. What did I do? I paused my yoga and ran to get some ice cream hahaha! (I did go back to the yoga later...I promise)

3)Chinese and Nashville
Saturday night was made for takeaways and TV, right?   Chinese mmmmm. Nashville=LOVE!
I am a big One Tree Hill fan and although I am happy to watch episodes of them over and over again it's nice to have a new series that I feel just as excited about. Nashville is so me; music and meaning! Here is one of my favourite performances so far:

Lennon and Maisy Stella are wonderful.

4) My Beatles Day Out 
 I love The Beatles (You may notice the music theme- I love music)and so when I heard that The Beatles musical Let it Be was going on tour I asked my parents if we could all go. Christmas day I was really pleased to open an envelope with tickets for just that. This week the day finally came. I had a lovely day with my parents; lunch out, a spot of shopping, a fab musical full of brilliant songs and performers and some wine and dessert in a pub after. Such a good day!

5)Making my own pasta sauce instead of using a jar

 Last night, I fancied making some pasta for dinner but instead of just using a ready made sauce I got a pan fried some onions, added tomatoes, balsamic vinegar and seasoned with pepper. This may not seem like a big deal but I sat down with my pasta, poured a glass of wine, lit a candle and I was happy eating it.

What are your 5 happy things? Care to share?

Sunday, 18 May 2014


Okay, so this time last week I listed some of my Sunday woes

It turns out:
- I was able to face the challenges ahead of me
- The course wasn't bad at all; I managed fine and even felt good after it :)
- It's okay to feel like that little girl afraid of the world sometimes but just know you can do this

Sometimes it's really helpful to write down those anxieties or worries and make little notes to yourself. IT WILL BE OKAY. The anxiety of doing something is often much worse than the actual doing, and although this doesn't stop the worrying it might just quieten it a little bit. I know it's hard. I still worry about this week I have ahead of me but I need to tell myself: I will be okay and you do too!

Sunday, 11 May 2014

Sunday woes

I've never really been a big fan of Sundays (unless it's bank holiday weekend!). There's something about them that just make my anxiety and depression worst. That feeling of dread when you have a whole week of anxieties ahead of you is not nice.

So what are these woes that I am feeling?

- I'm worried I am not good enough to face this week's challenges.
- I have a course this week that requires interaction with people and I'm really scared/nervous. I hate pressured situations that expect you to come up with answers on the spot and play games or interact in a 'fun' way. I am shy, and sometimes quiet, and this scares me.
- I feel like a little girl unable to take on the world and sometimes I just want to stay in and hide.

Do these feelings sound familiar to you? What are your Sunday woes?

Here's to us all having a good week and overcoming those rainclouds lingering in our heads!

Sunday, 4 May 2014

That awkward first post...

So the first post of a blog...where do you start?

Can you just jump in and begin? Do you have to introduce yourself?
What do you say? AHHH.

How about...just write!!

Hmm what do I want to say? HELLO


What else? Welcome to my blog: Those Knots

 Just write whatever you want! 

Okay. So this is my blog. It is here for me to write about my thoughts and to be more creative whilst also, hopefully, helping myself to deal with my anxiety and to talk to other bloggers and connect with the blogging world. There are lots of blogs that inspire me to be more appreciative, to have more fun and to be more creative and I hope that I can create something lovely and little right here. I don't expect much from this blog and really I am just doing it for me but I do hope some people read it and like it and want to leave a comment. I am peeping into this big, blog world and I want to join in :)